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ShenZhenChargery Power Co., Ltd.

Quality электропитание smps, Зарядное устройство для батареи от переменного тока к постоянному supplier from China.


CHARGERY design and manufacture all products with Chargery brand,

We have two core technologies, we can design high frequency switch charger/power supply, It means high voltage, high power converter with high efficiency (up to 94%), at the same time we can design BMS with high accuracy on voltage and current measurement and built-in large current cell balancer.

When we integrated the two core technology, our charger and BMS can communicate each other, the result is don’t need cut off charging by DCC or Relay, not only shorten charging time, but also extend battery life. Save money and decrease system complexity.

We are happy to modify and/or optimize design, or add new features to meet any requirements from our customers.


CHARGERY is almost unique company in the UAV (RC model, big drones) and EV (e-bike, e-motocycle, e-scooter) market, we can develop high power AC charger and BMS by one develop team.

From 2006, we focus on developing high power (up to 60A 3000W) charger, balance charger (AC input, DC input and AC/DC dual input) and BMS for up to 24S LiPo/LiFe/ LiTO battery.

Chargery charger can charge any type battery including LiPo, LiFe, Li-ion, LiTo, NiMh, NiCD and Pb (Lead acid, VRLA battery), cell count, charge current, end voltage and end current can be programmed.

Chargery BMS can handle up to 800A charge and discharge current, fit with special DCC (DC contactor), anti-spark and reverse polarity protection when battery connect to charge or inverter(loader) is realized.

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Company Details

Office Address: Room B303, ebusiness base II, WanXia Road 126#, Shekou Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
Factory Address: Room B303, ebusiness base II, WanXia Road 126#, Shekou Nanshan, Shenzhen, China