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Anhui Jateke Heavy Bearing Co., Ltd.

Quality Промышленный подшипник ролика, Сферически подшипник ролика supplier from China.


Anhui Jatec Heavy Bearing Co., Ltd is originated from Wafangdian,which is an important industrial bearing town in northeast China. In 2021, after three-years strongly development, it officially moved the base to Maanshan, which is the core manufacturing circle of the Yangtze River Delta heavy industry and with the help of the special steel base of Baowu Steel to create a new industrial pattern of heavy bearings.
Company development based on high-end customers service and breakthrough, focus on construction machinery, cement, mining, chemical fiber, environmental protection and other heavy equipments bearings and provide an overall solution development and supporting.
Anhui new base takes the"digital" and "intelligent" to create "high-load bearing" and "long life" as the core competitiveness! The experimental base of heavy bearing in South China is set up jointly with Masteel and An Tech University, and the joint design center is set up to escort the subsequent development!
JATEC eager to be the most important support for China's heavy equipment with a scientific attitude and creative thinking!


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Company Details

Office Address: Zhongfei Road Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zhengpugang New District, Maanshan, Anhui Province
Factory Address: Zhongfei Road Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zhengpugang New District, Maanshan, Anhui Province